One of the great things about youtube is how it can connect users in the hobby. I started my youtube channel years ago to share what I have been doing.
I took a break and started a software company and changed careers to become a full stack engineer full time. Now that journey is well on its way my train passion is being reinvigorated. So I am now active on youtube once again and buying more trains. You never can have enough.
Anyway as part of this new reinvigorated passion I have been encourage by youtubers creating great content. Some of my favorites are as follows. This is a short list and there are many others.
Please support this youtube community by liking, subscribing and sharing people videos. Lets grow this community and keep trains the hobby of first choice.
Eric Trains
Eric has a great channel. He has a huge youtube presence and does the best product videos out there. It amazing how much content he has out there. If you want a good review video on a Lionel, Atlas or MTH product you probably will find it on his channel. He lives in the Atlanta area and buys most of his stuff from Legacy Station a great trains store in the Atlanta area. Check them at
Jason’s O-Gauge Trains
Jason has a great channel. He started when he was young create and incredible layout in his parents basement. I noticed his channel about 10 years ago. He had a great layout then and now that he is onto a successful career and settle in Detroit area he is building a great layout in his home. It used the same concepts as his earlier layout but three times bigger. He is a great modeler and youtube create. Chekc out
Bobot’s Trains and Maker Zone
Bob has a great channel. He isn’t working much on the layout though. Has found a new passion 3D printing. Still his channel has plenty of train videos and worth watching. Hope he reinvigorated his train passion soon. His layout is and island layout which mean you can approach from all four sides.
Train Room Gary
Gary has a great man cave with a shelf layout. A shelf layout is constructed from shelves attacted to the wall. If is a really great way to have several levels of actions in a small space. Gary has done a masterful job. His videos are really well done.
Sids trains
Sid is a young man who not only makes great videos but also has a side business to fix and upgrade them to the latest legacy control systems. He is building his skills in tech and eventually will be on his way to becoming an engineer. He has a very large layout in his parents basement which is under construction. He has great videos with all sorts of wonderful trains and rolling stock.
RJ’s trains
RJ has recently graduated from college and on his way to a great career. He has a great channel with reviews, railfanning, layout tours, and running sessions on his layout in long island. He is a huge Amtrak and Long Island Railroad fan so a lot of his inventory is of the lines. He also does a monthly podcast with Sam which is the next featured youtuber below.
Sams trains
Sam is still in college so his layout and inventory is modest but growing. He is a fan of postwar and MPC era trains and has some great pieces. He also started the Model Train podcast which is the next feature youtube channel below.
Model Train Talk Podcast
Sam and RJ host the model train podcast. They talk trains once a month feature various subject and other up and coming youtubes online. It always has good content.
GFW trains
A great youtube channel started by George and helped out with his day Wally. George is a third generation train enthusiast, started by his grandfather who is an avid collector. It has been a family tradition that spans four generations. They hold a live stream every Friday where train lovers hang out chat talk about anything trains. They also have other videos which feature railfanning, family trips, product reviews, and layout tours definitely something worth watching.
Nick has a great channel. He models the Pennsylvania region featuring Pittsburg, horse shoe curve and the Gallitzin tunnels. He also has a side buisiness and make great building flats. He hold a weekly Sunday live stream running trains. I discover his channel 10 years ago and it was amazing how quickly he built and added scenery to his layout.
RBP Trains
The is a new channel only two months old and already 1500 subscribers. Chris’s content is great. He was raised in the train tradition buy his father who also has a great layout. Chris is an avid collector of Modern O-Scale (Lionel and MTH) as well as Vintage Lionel Pre and Post War-era trains. Sit back, relax and enjoy.
In conclusion
There are so many others. When checking these out search for others and lets build the community.
Also always like, subscribe and share my channel too!