
Jimmy Trains creates animation products that bring your layout to life. Check out all our products in the shop. Have fun animating!


Amherst train show behind the scenes – Springfield MA recap

Jimmy trains was at the Railroad Hobby Show in Springfield MA January 25th and 26th. It was a great success. https://www.railroadhobbyshow.com/

Greenberg Train Show – Chantilly VA recap

Jimmy Trains was at the Chantilly Greenberg show in December here is a short recap of the booth setup. Our two new products the fly fisherman and big foot were a big hit. Thank you to everyone that stopped by.

Greenberg Train Show – Edison NJ recap

Jimmy Trains was at the Edison Greenberg show in November here is a short recap of the booth setup. Thank you to everyone that stopped by.

Product videos

Boy with kite


Drive in





Lightning has LED bolts that you can bend to any shape you want.

Demo Educational board

Want to try you hand at making your own animations? We now have board kit that comes with everything you need to get started.

City lights

City light animate the leds installed in your buildings as well as control room lights. You write scripts with light commands at key moment in a sound track. This product is in development and hopefully will have a demo at York.

Customer installs

Fly fisherman installed in display layout by Model Rain Scenes

DTShortLine youtube channel demonstrates feller in tree removal scene

Seans Train Depot youtube channel demonstrates using you own voice for the sound tracks.

Henning’s Old Train Farm videos demonstrates installation.

Christmas in the park installed in a Lego™ display.